Because of
We Believe
Maury Hills started in 2001 with a handful of families meeting in their homes on Sunday nights. They dreamed of a new congregation in Maury County. A place where…
People would be welcomed without judgment or condemnation.
People who had been hurt by religion or legalism could find health, hope, and healing.
People could experience the freedom of God’s grace and the power of God’s love.
That place became a reality September 30th, 2001, when 60 people met together for worship, prayer, and planning. The name “Maury Hills” was chosen, a meeting place was secured in the old First Baptist building downtown (currently The Mulehouse), and three men were chosen as shepherds. A week later, we held our first worship service on October 7th, 2001.
From there the story has been about how God has taken a group of imperfect people and slowly transformed them into something for his glory. We’re amazed at what God has done through Maury Hills and how he’s used this church to introduce new people to faith or rescue those who had just about given up on faith.
Maury Hills Church is a nondenominational church. We are amazed and encouraged by how God has brought together people from many different faith backgrounds and tight them to value and cherish unity. Our best days are yet to come!
Worship is participatory, contemporary and hope-filled.
BIBLICAL teaching
Messages are rooted in scripture and relevant to everyday life.
DIVERSE community
We reflect our community (multi-cultural and multi-generational).
SAFE place
People can be real, vulnerable, and honest.
UNIFIED people
Opinions on lessor issues will not come between our unity in Christ.
We are FOR our community and desire to make a positive difference.
RADICAL generosity
We willingly share our talents, gifts, and resources with others.
In a world of widely varying religious doctrines, we believe it is important to define some of our core beliefs. A core belief is something that we consider to be of central importance to our faith. While our convictions may extend past what we mention here, these are the essentials.
The Bible is God's Word and has authority in all matters of faith and life.
(2 Timothy 3:15-17 & 2 Peter 1:20-21)
The God of the Bible exists as a Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Spirit) - three distinct persons who share a common divine essence. These three exist in ideal community with one another, created the world, and love men and women of all nations, colors, languages, and backgrounds with holy passion.
(Genesis 1-2; John 1; Mark 14:36; Matthew 6:9; Romans 8:15-16)
Jesus of Nazareth is uniquely the Son of God, Son of Man, and Israel’s promised Messiah. He was born of a virgin, attested by miracles, crucified under Pontius Pilate, and raised from the dead on the third day. By his death, burial, and resurrection, the gospel message is that rescue from sin and eternal life with God are available to all. He will one day return to judge the world and to establish a New Heaven and a New Earth for the redeemed.
(Matthew 16:15; 17:5; John 3:16; 4:25-26; Revelation 20:11 – 22:21)
Holy Spirit
God lives in his church and individual Christians today through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is given to us for the purpose of spiritual transformation. He empowers us to follow Jesus and bears his fruit in our lives. The Spirit also works to teach us, remind us of what Jesus taught, comfort us, bring us to repentance when we sin, empower us to help others, and to assure our eternal inheritance.
(John 14:15-27; Romans 8:1-17; Galatians 5:16-25; John 16:5-15)
All people are created in the image of God for the purpose of living in eternal relationship with him. However, our sinfulness separates us from God and makes it impossible for us to live with him. The only way that this can be undone is through the mercy and justice of God which was shown by sending his Son (Jesus). His death is the only sufficient payment for our sins. Salvation is a free gift of God, it only comes by grace through faith, and it has the power to free us from the effects of sin and death. It is available to all who put their trust in Jesus. This personal trust is exhibited in repentance, baptism, love for others, and a lifestyle that imitates the example of Jesus.
(Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 1:4-5; Romans 3:22-26; Romans 5:12-21; Romans 6:22-23)
The Church is the body of Christ. There is only one church but it is comprised of many parts. The head of the church is Jesus Christ and, as such, he is the foundation and center of everything we do and believe. The purpose of the church is to follow Christ by living out the greatest commands to love God and love people.​
(Ephesians 4:4-5 & 15-16; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 22:34-40; Acts 2:42-47)